Extrema on a Closed Interval

This applet is almost identical to the previous one about extrema on an open interval, except that now we're considering a closed interval. The two sliders again allow you to change the location of the endpoints [math]\left( a, f\left(a\right) \right)[/math] and [math]\left( b, f\left(b\right) \right)[/math]. As you change the locations of the endpoints, see if you can create intervals with the following: [list] [*]Absolute maximum, absolute minimum, relative maximum, and relative minimum which are all different. [*]Absolute maximum equals relative maximum, absolute minimum and relative minimum are different. [*]Absolute minimum equals relative minimum, absolute maximum and relative maximum are different. [*]Absolute maximum equals relative maximum and global minimum equals relative minimum. [*]Absolute maximum and absolute minimum exist, only a relative minimum exists. [*]Absolute maximum and absolute minimum exist, only a relative maximum exists. [*]Absolute maximum and absolute minimum exist, there are no relative extrema. [/list]


David Kedrowski

Resource Type
Target Group (Age)
16 – 19+
© 2025 International GeoGebra Institute