GeoGebra Book: String art and Task

The students of IIS Tommaso Salvini- Technological Pole- (IT) Class IID (10th grade) worked on a Task given by Monika Schwarze, Pestalozzi Gymnasium Germany ( translated in English by the Italian Teacher Norma Lisa Neiman). An extra task was added by the translator, to let the students nurture their creativity with String Art, task4c. While the most of the students didn't answer the formal question:" Explain the GeoGebra command Sequence [i / n * A + (n - i) / n * B, i, 0, n] of task 4A, they dedicated much of their time on task 4C. They were more active, determined and interested when the same topic was presented in Art.



Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
coding  computational  creativity  sequences  thinking 
Target Group (Age)
13 – 16
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