GeoGebra Book: Customized Parametric Curves

Examples of parametric curves, created by single pairs of non-piecewise parametric equations. I developed this process for creating such curves (or at least if someone else beat me to it, I'm unaware). My process utilizes and reinforces high school level Math skills (domain/range, function transformations, function addition, function composition, writing sinusoid equations, parametric equations). Inspired by the "Batman Equation" of 2011 and Wolfram Alpha's "person curves." How-to article in NCTM's Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching magazine, June 2020. [url][/url] Instructional how-to video:[list] [*]As a playlist of 11 short videos [url][/url] [*]As the original 68-min long single video [url][/url] [/list]



Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
logo  parametric-curve 
Target Group (Age)
14 – 19+
© 2025 International GeoGebra Institute