Matching Pair Quiz Template

This is a template file for 4 item drag and drop matching quiz with scoring. Some details of how the applet is designed in found in the section on Information for Students. There is some potential to use this template as a base to craft student mathematical tasks or project. See the section on Questions or tasks for students appearing below the applet. This template can be used for teachers to design the Matching Pair type of mathematical quiz. Many quiz software can do matching pair quizzes. but very few can do automatically generated math problems and solutions or even directly pose mathematical problems with computer algebra or graphing directly linked to it. Geogebra has this ability. (Except that we need to script and design the matching pair interactivity!) I envision other Geogebra enthusiasts creating more of this kind of templates, and other users can create more interesting and aesthetically pleasing quizzes using these templates. (uploaded file name : dragdrop-example-28Sep-includescore.ggb 29 Sep)


Lew W. S.

Resource Type
matching  mathematical  pair  quiz  task  template 
Target Group (Age)
15 – 19+
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