GeoGebra Book: GeoGebra Constructions and Problems for Arbelos and ...

Authors: 1. Magdalena M. Petkova [url] [/url] 2. Emiliya A. Velikova [url][/url] [b]Abstract:[/b] The article presents the use of GeoGebra for the creation of dynamic structures and problems for arbelos and Archimedean circles. A methodology for developing mathematical problem-posing skills, problem-solving skills, and dynamic GeoGebra construction skills has been presented. These skills are an essential component of the professional competence of teachers in mathematics. The conclusion summarises that the dynamic software GeoGebra and problems for arbelos and Archimedean circles are excellent tools for development skills, mentioned above. [b]Keywords:[/b] GeoGebra, arbelos, Archimedean circles, problem posing, problem solving.


Magdalena Petkova

Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
ggbconf2015  problem-posing 
Target Group (Age)
13 – 19+
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