Jaudon Tiling Curves

Saw a beautiful piece of art by Valerie Jaudon that made me want to tile. (http://mathhombre.tumblr.com/post/158486835629/art-mysecondname-valerie-jaudon-this-has-me) I went with an infinity tile type approach. First I had piecewise lines, but then when there was a (now fixed) GeoGebra bug with them, I tried Bezier curves. I had only done those as a parameterized locus, which wouldn't allow transformations. So I tried as parameterized curves, which almost worked. They were attracted to the origin, so... something was wrong. Looking it up, finally, I saw that I needed the symmetric polynomials. Of course! If you download the sketch, there are Bezier tools you can use to make your own curvy designs.


John Golden

Resource Type
bezier  infinity  jaudon  mathart  tile 
Target Group (Age)
3 – 19+
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