Checking in with students: Starter app for GeoGebra Classroom activities
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You can either download the .ggb file alone or the complete webpage for students with tasks.
GeoGebra Files
How are you doing today? (.ggb)
Draw a quick sketch that describes your overall mood and outlook today. Feel free to include some text if there's any details you'd like to share! (.ggb)
Draw a quick sketch that describes your overall mood and outlook today. Feel free to include some text if there's any details you'd like to share! (.ggb)
How are you doing today? (.ggb)
- Resource Type
- Activity
- Tags
- check-in class geogebra-classroom starter-app
- Target Group (Age)
- 0 – 19+
- Language
- English
- Views
- 6720
- License
- CC-BY-SA, GeoGebra Terms of Use
- Derived Resources
Comment allez-vous? Placez le curseur dans la position qui décrit le mieux votre journée jusqu'à maintenant!
Shared by Louise Roy - Show More…
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Laura Shaw -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your understanding so far.
Shared by Rod Tolle -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Stefan Poka -
Wie geht's dir heute. Bewege den Schieberegler so, dass es deiner Stimmung entspricht.
Shared by Ferdinand Stipberger -
Jak ti to šlo?
Shared by Ivana Svobodová -
Jak ti to šlo?
Shared by Ivana Svobodová -
Wie geht es Ihnen heute?
Shared by Julia Pirklbauer -
Wie geht es Ihnen heute? Bewegen Sie den Schieberegler auf eine Position, die Ihren bisherigen Tag am besten beschreibt!
Shared by Julia Pirklbauer -
How do you finding adding and subtracting decimals?
Shared by Samantha Glassborow -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far. You can add text below to describe how you felt about semester one.
Shared by Cindy Walkanowski -
Jak ti to šlo?
Shared by Ivana Svobodová -
How did this lesson go?
Shared by jenloftus -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by jenloftus -
Wie ist deine Stimmung? Bewege den blauen Punkt!
Shared by Tobias Griese -
ماهو شعورك اليوم
Shared by ملاك التميمي -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Hannah -
Wie geht´s dir heute? Bewege den Schieberegler.
Shared by isabellehorn -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Melissa McGahan -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Iseul Hwang -
Bewege den blauen Punkt! So kannst du einstellen, wie es dir heute geht!
Shared by seitz1 -
Wie ist eure Stimmung? Bewege den Knopf !
Shared by Christiane Guggenberger -
Hvordan går det? Flytt på glideren for å beskrive hvordan du har det.
Shared by Eva Holthe Enoksen -
How was the class? Move the slider to a position that best describes this part of the class.
Shared by Chris Beggs -
Aufgabe 1: Wie geht es dir heute? Bewege den Schieberegler auf die Position, welche deinen heutigen Gemütszustand am besten beschreibt.
Shared by Lea_Gerhard -
Як справи? Перемістіть повзунок у положення, яке найкраще описує ваш сьогоднішній день.
Shared by irusiasawitskaya -
Como você está?
Shared by Carmen Mathias -
Como você está? Mova o controle deslizante para a posição que melhor descreve o seu dia até agora.
Shared by Carmen Mathias -
Jak ti to šlo?
Shared by Ivana Svobodová -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by begumbicerr -
Wie geht´s dir heute?
Wie geht es dir heute? Bewege den Schieberegler so, dass die Antwort am ehesten auf dich zutrifft!
Shared by JuliaRauch -
How are you doing today? Sphere
Shared by Sandy Johnson -
Schiebe den Punkt an die Stelle, die am besten beschreibt, wie du das Kapitel verstanden hast.
Shared by S.B. -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day.
Shared by Sarah Phillion -
Hvordan har du det? Flyt skyderen til den position der bedst beskriver din dag indtil videre.
Shared by Kenneth Riis Poulsen -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Stacey Cobb -
Untitled Applet
Shared by jukhimchukanna -
Bugün nasıldı? Sürgüyü, gününün şu ana kadar nasıl geçtiğini en iyi şekilde açıklayan konuma taşı.
Shared by Dr. Ayhan Aksoy -
Wie geht es dir? Bewege den Schieberegler an eine Position, die deinen bisherigen Tag am besten beschreibt.
Shared by GeoGebra Team German -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Ozkan -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by олег -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Sarah Vie -
Hvordan har du det i dag? Beveg punktet til en posisjon som best beskriver hvordan du har det så langt i dag.
Shared by -
Jak se ti dařilo?
Shared by Ivana Svobodová -
Jak się masz? Przesuń suwak do pozycji, która najlepiej opisuje Twój dotychczasowy dzień.
Shared by Grażyna Śleszyńska -
Цэгийг хөдөлгөн таны өдрийг хамгийн сайн дүрслэх байрлал руу шилжүүлээрэй.
Shared by Navchaa Tserendorj -
How are you doing today?
Shared by Ms Huang -
امروز حالتون چطوره؟ اسلایدر را حرکت بدید روی وضعیتی که الان دارید
Shared by Parvaneh Behzadi Azad -
.حال و احوالتون چطوره؟ لغزنده آبی رنگ را حرکت بده تا وضعیت روحی امروزت را مشخص کند
Shared by soleymani -
حالتون چطوره؟؟؟؟
Shared by سمیه -
.سلام ، حال شما چطور است ؟ با حرکت اسلایدر به ما بگویید
Shared by Mahdieh Mohammadi -
How are you doing? Move the slider to a position that best describes your day so far.
Shared by Fateme Abdolhoseini -
.حال شما چطور است؟ نوار لغزنده را به موقعیتی ببرید که بهترین توصیف کننده روز شما تا کنون باشد
Shared by Medina -
حالتون چطوره؟با حرکت لغزنده جواب دهید
Shared by farzaneh -
حالتون چطوره؟با حرکت لغزنده پاسخ دهید.
Shared by farzaneh -
حال شما چطور است؟ نوار لغزنده را به موقعیتی ببرید که بهترین توصیف کننده روز شما تا کنون باشد.
Shared by Pourganji -
امروز حالت چطوره ؟؟؟؟
Shared by Negar
Fortbildung Einsteiger: Akt…
February 20, 2022 - 11:00 AM
48 resources — KScholle