GeoGebra Book: GeoGebra 3D: Beginner Tutorials with Lesson Ideas

This GeoGebra book (currently under construction) contains exercises to help new users take a baby-step approach with becoming familiar with GeoGebra's 3D Calculator app. EACH EXERCISE CONTAINS ONLY THE TOOLS YOU NEED to complete a particular construction. [b]Teachers: [/b] By engaging with each exercise, you will experience JUST HOW EASY it is to use GeoGebra 3D Calculator. More importantly, you'll also actively experience how it can serve as a POWERFUL platform for student-centered discovery of several concepts students learn within the mathematics curriculum. Each exercise also contains a silent screencast that illustrates how to complete each construction (in case you're unsure of something or ever get stuck). I wish you much success on your journey of teaching and/or learning mathematics! Best, Tim Brzezinski


Tim Brzezinski

Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
3d-graphing-calculator  algebra  geogebra-3d  geogebra-3d-calculator  geometry  line  plane  point  solids  space  tools Show More…
Target Group (Age)
12 – 19+
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