2.1 Ley Variacional del MRU. Velocidad (variación) y espacio recorrido (acumulación)

2.1 Variational Law in Uniform Rectilinear Movement. Velocity (variation) and space (accumulation) Controls on space-time graph affect velocity-time graph and the other way round. Can you guess the dependence between both graphs? This kinematic movement represents the trajectory of a mobile via an affine function (Y-intercept as initial position, slope as speed). Instead, velocity-time graph is just an horizontal line (constant function). That is because same speed during same time involves same position advance/retrocess. Notice how s(t) slope is the same everywhere. v(t) value is the same everywhere. Translated texts from Spanish: "Ver" = "See" "Variación" = "Variation" "Acumulación" = "Accumulation" "Pendiente" = "Slope"

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