Copy of Remainder Theorem in Action

This applet may be used for instructors or students to study and familiarise with the Remainder Theorem (for linear divisor) Allows for quick generation of examples and worked solutions as illustrations. [color=#c51414]Please feel free to feedback on improvement to this activity, or you may wish to copy and modify it to suit your own pedagogical approach[/color] (Note : This file has been updated since 20 Dec after errors were found in some of the calculations. Apologies for previous errors) [color=#198f88]Key question for student to answer is : Can you explain the remainder theorem ? Why is the remainder of f(x) divided by (x - a) = f(a) ? Hint : See the expression on f(x) = quotient x divisor + remainder, ie f(x) = q(x) d(x) + r Substitute x with a into the above ![/color]



Resource Type
Target Group (Age)
14 – 16
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