Copy of Multiplication table - Visualization of maths - playing math

1) This applet can be used when introducing/teaching new mathematical calculations with multiplication table. It can also be used for repetition and students can use it individually to practice multiplication table. Tasks are generated randomly and each task has its own visual model that can be excluded or included if necessary. We can choose the factors we want. After solving the task we get the feedback on the accuracy of solutions. Also, for the extra motivation and practise of students’ speed there is a race game. In the game, our car is much faster, but it needs 10 correct answers in order to reach a goal. To further speed practise we can adjust the speed of the blue car. Adapted for the touch screens and smart boards 2) Learn and practise multiplication table Connect multiplication with visual models and realia 3) Introduce multiplication table with the selected number to pupils. Each task has its own visual model that can be turned on or off as required. Motivate students for individual practising with the speed game 4) The great advantage of this applet is that it can be easily adapted to your needs in the classroom. Clicking on the checkbox, you can decide what can be displayed and what can not be seen. So you can turn on or off the panel with visual display. You can also choose the factors that you want to teach or practise with your students. Solution can be entered using the keyboard or by using the associated buttons in the applet. In order to get the feedback we need to click on the "Check" button. It is also necessary to click the "Check" button to start our car when we start a race. Each correctly solved task is shown in green, and incorrect in red color.


Lori Robinson

Resource Type
Target Group (Age)
6 – 10
English (United Kingdom)
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