Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley

This simulation allows students to explore the motion of a system of two masses attached to each other with a string that passes over a pulley.


Tom Walsh

Resource Type
force  forces  friction  inclined  inline  physics  plane  pulley  tension  weight 
Target Group (Age)
12 – 19+
English (United States)
CC-BY-SA, GeoGebra Terms of Use
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Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Arturo Rodríguez Elizondo
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Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Antonio Manuel
Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Phil Jones
Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Damir Pavlovic
Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
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Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
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Copie de Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by fumeaux.pierre
Cópia de Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Silas Henrique Alves Araujo
Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Sandeep Bappoo
Inclined Plane with Two Masses, a Pulley, and Friction
Shared by CanisiusPhysics
מערכת של 2 גופים+מדרון+חיכוך
Shared by Vladimir Bodik
Dua massa, katrol dan bidang miring kasar
Shared by Suminar Pratapa
Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by AJM
hellend vlak met wrijving
Shared by chris cambré
Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by AJM
Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
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Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Karim Diff
Copy of Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by aslorange
Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Iván Guzman
Inclined Plane with Friction, Two Masses, and a Pulley
Shared by Lina Steponavičienė
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