Natural Interpolation

Demonstrating a simple control structure for animated constructions. We often want to Set[] our figures to particular positions. But if we Set[] them directly, points and sliders leap suddenly into position. It is difficult to follow, and we miss important information. [i]How does the figure behave as it goes from here to there?[/i] One solution is to interpolate: change the values smoothly from the current position to the new one. _____ Interpolating with GGBscript [b]→1. Control flow. Straight lines.[/b] 2. Rotation: [url][/url] I will add to this setup as time allows. Bother me if you would like to see more, or if my materials are confusing. Leave a comment. For requests or challenges, post a comment here: [url][/url]


Ryan Hirst

Resource Type
control  flow  interpolation  linear  script  tool  tutorial 
Target Group (Age)
14 – 18
English (United States)
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