AQR Section 12 Exercises 30-34 Medical Testing (Part 2)

Modern medicine uses many types of tests; none are 100% accurate. Use this applet to explore Exercises 30-34 in AQR Section 12. This applet simulates 100 medical tests with the give population percentage (the percent of the population that use steroids, that are pregnant, that have prostate cancer, that have the flu, or that have HIV) and test accuracy. This simulation displays the percentages as areas, the total area representing 100% of the total. Those areas colored [color=#0a971e]green[/color] are correct tests. The area colored [color=#c51414]red[/color] is a false positive. The area colored [color=#d69210]yellow[/color] is a false negative.


Steve Phelps

Resource Type
aqr  exercises  practice  probability 
Target Group (Age)
15 – 18
English (United States)
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