ISTE 2023 - Who has more?

This game is a variation of War that emphasizes representation for number. The ten frames are filled with a random number from 1 to 20, and the three dice work like regular dice, each having a random number from 1 to 6. The sketch is usable in several ways: as a visual to discuss number representation, addition strategies and comparison; as a game that encourages number sense; as an investigation into probability and whether it is a fair game. Objectives: [list] [*]for number sense, to compare two different values [*]for representation: to subitize [*]for representation: to compose/decompose small numbers (<=20) [*]for addition, adding small numbers and encourage strategies that use ten. [*]for probability, comparing two different random sets of data with different ranges to determine fairness. [/list] I would use this with the whole group briefly, to demonstrate the various buttons. Then encourage students to play in teams of two. First the basic game, who has more, then with the challenge of determining who has more. If that is too competitive, teams could take turns being the judge of who has more.



Resource Type
comparison  frame  number  representation  ten 
Target Group (Age)
6 – 10
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