Step Spirals

This applet explores a shape generation system which used to be commonly explored in Logo: Stepping forward a certain amount, rotating by a certain angle, and then repeating. To generate a "1, 2" 90 degree shape, for example, you would move * Forward 1 step * Rotate 90 degrees * Forward 2 steps * Rotate 90 degrees * Then repeat the above steps until bored (or until you return to your start point). If only one number is used for the step, you generate a square. With two numbers, you generate a rectangle. With three or more numbers, however, more interesting shapes appear. You can change the list of lengths being used, and the angle to turn through after each forward step. EDIT: I've updated the sketch so that you can now control the number of 'steps' in the spiral from 0 up to 72.


Jon Ingram

Resource Type
geometry  patterns  spiral 
Target Group (Age)
14 – 18
English (United Kingdom)
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