Copy of Ellipse: Oriented Rotation 2

[i]Given[/i] a closed loop of rigid wire in the shape of an ellipse, mark a point on the wire with a red dot. [b]Proposition:[/b] to rotate the wire about its center. __________________ Ellipse Rotation 1. Ellipse: Relationships between the standard form and parametric equations:[url][/url] [b]→2. Resolving rotation in the full range, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π[/b] 3. Relating coefficients A, B, C and rotation. Construction of the tangent ratio. Limit cases of tan(θ). Lengths and orientation of the half-axes a, b. [url][/url] _____ In response to a question on Stack Exchange: [url][/url]


Phan Ho Nghia

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