GeoGebra Book: FotoGebra Contest (English version)

[color=#b20ea8]FotoGebra[/color] is a project, developed in 2016, which aims to unite Mathematics, Photography and GeoGebra so that from a photograph, mathematical content can be developed with the help of the GeoGebra software. Aimed at students from public or private educational institutions of Secondary Education and Teacher Training Institutes in Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Latin American countries, and now countries that wish to participate through the English language. The contest challenges the participants to observe their surroundings in detail, inviting them to discover that mathematics is implicit in everything that surrounds them. Registration is free and for educational purposes only. For more information go to:



Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
algebra  angle  collection  constructions  geometry  graph 
Target Group (Age)
7 – 19+
Spanish (Spain) / Español (España)‎
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