While evaporative cooling is not strictly a heat transfer mechanism since it involves a change of state and a loss of mass (that of the evaporated gas), it does result in a rapid temperature change in cases like the cooling of a cup of coffee, and in practice we don't generally worry about actual volume of coffee loss while it's steaming, but after this discussion we might worry about the heat loss that it causes.
It turns out that the process of evaporation of a liquid is not at all trivial to handle from a theoretical perspective. Many texts incorrectly suggest that a Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution explains it, but this is an over-simplification since liquids are not ideal gases. There are many aspects of a real liquid that are not correctly addressed by an ideal gas.
In any case, without going into those discussions, it turns out an empirical equation (one derived from experience and experiment) can be generated to predict the heat loss of a liquid with a surface from which a portion of the liquid is evaporating. The rate of heat loss from an evaporating water-based liquid (like coffee or a swimming pool) is given by:
, using the temperature of the liquid in degrees celsius. The term x is given by
evaluated at the environmental temperature, with
given by the relative humidity of the environment. It should be noted that in order to get units of watts, we need to use
, which is not a conventional combination of units for this latent heat of vaporization. The
in the numerator of the expression is the speed of air flow over the liquid surface in standard units of m/s. Experience tells us that blowing on food or hot drinks speeds the cooling. This term quantifies that increased rate of cooling. You also know that when you are wet, that if a wind is blowing, you feel much colder. That is the same process of evaporative cooling at work.
To arrive at a rate of change of temperature we need to relate heat and temperature as we have done before. As we did with other heat loss mechanisms, we can write
Doing this and also inserting the functions for
, we get a final expression: