[list=1][*]In your own words, what is the agenda of physics?[/*][*]Do you personally find anything about physics attractive?[/*][*]Is a scientific theory supposed to just be someone's idea about something?[/*][*]What is a scientific principle?[/*][*]How is a law usually different than a theory?[/*][*]Multiverse is called a theory. It has been proposed to account for the apparent and uncanny fine tuning of our own universe. The idea of multiverse is that there are infinite, distinct universes out there - all with distinct laws of nature and natural constants - and we live in just one of them. Using the accepted definition of the universe being all that there is (matter, space and energy), would you say that multiverse is a scientific theory? [/*][*]Are all scientific theories really testable in the commonly understood sense? How does this make you feel? How should you proceed as a scientist or engineer with this understanding?[/*][*]Make up an example of a scientific hypothesis.[/*][*]Make up an example of a hypothesis that sounds scientific, but is not.[/*][*]Read this [url=]site[/url] (click) on scientific paradigms (pronounced "pair-a-dime") and give a brief definition of the word "paradigm" as well as an example of a current scientific paradigm.[/*][/list]

Information: PROBLEMS