Notice that in the function above that there is a delta that stands for the difference in phase between the light reaching the screen after passing through one slit versus the light reaching the screen after passing through the other slit. The path length difference is the entire reason there is a phase difference. As we look at places on the screen farther and farther from the center, the path length difference grows. Since
, we can see that at certain values of
we should get maxima and minima of the intensity. For instance, the cosine squared function has maxima at values of
. Here, the symbol
represents the set of natural numbers starting from zero, or {0,1,2,...}. So when
we expect maxima of the cosine squared function. These will be the bright spots on the screen. Plugging in for delta and cleaning up the algebra, we find that
AN ASIDE ON NOTATION: I know my use of the set of natural numbers is slightly awkward. I am a physicist, so efficiency is the goal of my notation. In principle, when is written here we should understand that may take on any value such that it is an element of that set. I am not claiming that it is equal to the set itself. The alternative found in other texts where they write 1,2,3,... grows tiresome, as does mentioning notationally each time that N is an element of the set of natural numbers starting from zero.