Horizontal line test

Restricting the Range of arcsine and arccosine

Why do we need to restrict the range of the inverse trig functions?[br][br]Move the sliders to demonstrate that there are two angles that yield the same value of sine, or the same value of cosine. Check "sine" or "cosine" to illustrate each separately.
Restricting the Range of arcsine and arccosine

Increasing/Decreasing function

Maxima and minima

We can clearly see the blue graph, it is the locus of a function \[f(x)=y= ax^3+bx^2+cx+d\] . We can change the values of a, b, c and d using their respective slide bars. Point A lies on the function f(x) and a tangent (pink line) is drawn at this point. We can move the point A. m is the slope of the tangent
Maxima and minima
Question/s to think about.[br][br]1. What is the case when m=0?[br]2. What is the value of m when A is at the local maxima or local minima of the function?[br]3. Set the values of a, b, c and d as a=0.6, b=1, c=0.5 and d=2. What do we observe?

Maximizing Trapezoid Area

[color=#000000]Suppose both legs and one base of the isosceles trapezoid below each have length 1. [br](Drag black slider.) [br][br]If this is so, determine the value of [/color][math]\theta[/math][color=#000000] that maximizes the area of this isosceles trapezoid.[br]Be sure to solve this problem first! How do your results compare with what this applet suggests?[/color]


illustration of computing the cross product from vector components

Geometric Interpretation of the Cross Product

This worksheet illustrates the geometric significance of the cross product. Move the yellow points to adjust the vectors.
What does the vector along the [math]z[/math]-axis represent?
Note that [math]\vec{u}[/math] and [math]\vec{v}[/math] are confined to the [math]xy[/math]-plane in this worksheet. How can we be sure that [math]\vec{u}\times\vec{v}[/math] will always point along the [math]z[/math]-axis?
What does the equality of the two numerical values signify?
Adjust [math]\vec{u}[/math] and [math]\vec{v}[/math] until their cross product points downward. Now, how big is the [i]smallest positive[/i] angle from [math]\vec{u}[/math] to [math]\vec{v}[/math]?

Skew lines: finding the distance (dot product)

Use the sliders to find the values of [math]\lambda[/math] and [math]\mu[/math] such that the vector PQ is perpendicular to both lines.

Conditional probability
