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Hello everyone! This is a set of fun animations that I made using different GeoGebra commands. For example, some of the basic commands I used are:
[*] Rotation()
[*] Translation()
[*] Dilatation()
[*] Sequence()
Other advanced commands that I frequently used are:
[*] SetDynamicColor()
[*] Execute()
[*] Zip()
[*] Flatten()
[*] CopyFreeObject()
For reference, check the Manual: [url][/url]
Almost all the applets were made using [b]GeoGebraScript[/b]. Download the applets to your computer. Open the ggb file with [b]GeoGebra classic[/b] (version 5 is the one I use). Open the [b]Algebra[/b] view and then look for the button with label [b]Setup[/b] to see the GGBScript.
For more information about [b]GGBScript[/b] go to: [url][/url]
I hope you find useful these constructions. If you make something based on this work, please, let me know by email or send me a tweet @jcponcemath
If you like my work, you can support me in Patreon: [url][/url]
I recently made an ebook with beautiful art together with the basic GGB scripts. You can get it from my shop: [url][/url]
∞ Thanks fro your support!
Table of Contents
Two dimensions B&W
Optical illusion
Waves with dots
Waves with dots II
Waves & dots
Wind II
Wind III
Wind IV
Wind V
Triangle umbrella
Pentagonal Umbrella
Moire patterns
Rotating embedded regular polygons
Animation flower
Animation flower II
Animation flower III
Animation flower IV
Animation flower V
Rotating hexagonal segments
Circles animation with parametric curves
Space travel
Animation polygon B&W
Animation polygon B&W II
Pixelated waves
Skip the Curve
Golden ratio
Dance of the Cantor Set
Check this out!
Hexagonal spin
12-fold pattern in 6-4-3-4 grid
Noisy loop
Let's fly!
Two dimensions Color
Waves & dots
Rotation inside triangle
Water waves
Water waves II
Water waves III
Rolling shutter
Rolling shutter II
Colorful shapes
Colorful shapes II
Colorful waves on circle
Random labyrinths
Recamán's sequence
Colourful waves with circles
The Fourier Transform
Rainbow circles animation with parametric curves
Dancing circles
Rainbow sunflower
Rainbow Sunflower growing in spirals
Sunflower pattern
Rainbow sunflower II
Sunflower with zoom
Rainbow Cantor set animation
Cantor set on a disk
Harter-Heighway Dragon fractal
Cubes illusion III
Cubes illusion II
Cube illusion
Visual representation of Fibonacci sequence mod 9
Visual representation of the digital root of Fibonacci sequence
Fibonacci sequence visual representation
Recamán's sequence II
Fourier Transform animation
Fourier Transform animation: Saw tooth
Fourier Transform animation: Signal
Polygon illusion
Perception illusion
Perception illusion II
Hypotrochoid: Triangles and Squares
Triangles-Squares animation
A square knot
Tesselación hexagonal
Hexagons animation
DVD logo animation
Rainbow snake
Impossible figures
Wave strings
Flower curves
Random colorful trees
Rainbow Fibonacci Spiral
Immersive complex space
Colorful random circles
Colorful Nautilus
Waves over interval
Coloring lists and classes of objects
Rainbow conics as envelopes of straight lines
Time-dependent vector field III
Time-dependent vector field II
Rainbow solution curves of ODEs
Dancing solution curves of ODEs
Dancing solution curves of ODEs II
Rainbow rotation illusion
Pencil of conics
Generative art with segments
Rainbow snake with attractor
The dance of the rhombi
Rainbow Pappus chain
Impossible triangle animation
Rosetón San Ildefonso
Colorful circles
Sea creature animation
Rectangular random art
Flag & wind
Circle rotation illusion
2D Rainbow Steiner chain
Galaxy: Rotations and Dilatations
Galaxy II: Rotations and Dilatations
Mystery curve
Colorful Mystery curves
Colorful Labyrinth
Complex spiral
Electric field
Growing trees randomly
Koch fractal animated tiling
Mystery curves flying
Dot fever 001
Sine light on circle
Sine light on circle II
Rainbow reflection on circle
Sine light on Spiral
Sine light on Golden Spiral
Inifinite zoom on mystery curve
Infinite Mystery curves II
For Thijs - Yeganeh: A bird in flight (2015)
Rainbow circles
Water Drop
Complex roots of ax^2+bx+c
Sacred spiral
GeoGebra Text motion
Fun with stars
Complementary Wave
Complementary Waves in Blue
Wiggle curve
Truchet patterns
Mosaics: Ellipses
GeoGebra snow
Fractal trees + GeoGebra Snow = Super cool
Vera Molnár art style
Colorful Vera Molnár art style
Making a heart with maths
Droste effect
12-fold pattern in 6-4-3-4 grid
A retro cityscape with mathematics
Geometric pattern
Braided sines
All you need is math love!
Dot fever: All you need is infinite love!
Here comes the sun!
Here comes the sun - Remastered!
International Day of Mathematics 2025
Three dimensions
Möbius bands animation with segments
Klein bottle with unit normal vectors and Mobius band