GeoGebra Book: Art & Animations

Hello everyone! This is a set of fun animations that I made using different GeoGebra commands. For example, some of the basic commands I used are: [list] [*] Rotation() [*] Translation() [*] Dilatation() [*] Sequence() [/list] Other advanced commands that I frequently used are: [list] [*] SetDynamicColor() [*] Execute() [*] Zip() [*] Flatten() [*] CopyFreeObject() [/list] For reference, check the Manual: [url][/url] Almost all the applets were made using [b]GeoGebraScript[/b]. Download the applets to your computer. Open the ggb file with [b]GeoGebra classic[/b] (version 5 is the one I use). Open the [b]Algebra[/b] view and then look for the button with label [b]Setup[/b] to see the GGBScript. For more information about [b]GGBScript[/b] go to: [url][/url] I hope you find useful these constructions. If you make something based on this work, please, let me know by email or send me a tweet @jcponcemath If you like my work, you can support me in Patreon: [url][/url] I recently made an ebook with beautiful art together with the basic GGB scripts. You can get it from my shop: [url][/url] ∞ Thanks fro your support!


Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano

Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
animation  art  geogebra  geogebrascript  illusion  motion  optical  sequences 
Target Group (Age)
10 – 19+
© 2025 International GeoGebra Institute