Composite Figure Template

1) Use the [b]SEGMENT[/b] tool to plot a segment = any side of a polygon you want to create. [br][br]2) Use the [b][color=#ff00ff]FILLSQUARE[/color][/b] tool to fill in any square unit. [br][br]Use this template to create figures with specified conditions (involving perimeter and area) your teacher gives you. After doing so, you can go to the menu (upper right) and save your construction to your GeoGebra profile.
HOW TO USE (Quick Silent Demo)

SolveMyMaths Action 3A!

Creation of this applet was inspired by a [url=]tweet[/url] from Ed Southall ([url=]Solve My Maths[/url]). [br][br][b]In the regular hexagon below, how can you formally prove that the area of the original triangle and parallelogram are equal? [/b][br][br]

Area of a Circle (by Peeling)

[b][color=#c51414]AREA of a CIRCLE:[/color][/b][br][br]Hit the [b]"Start the Show!"[/b] button in the applet below![br]Then, answer the [color=#0a971e]questions that follow[/color]. [br][br]After answering all 7 questions, refer to the directions below the applet.
[b][color=#0a971e]After answering all 7 questions, go to the following link:[/color][/b] [br][br]
