Circle Area (By Peeling!)


Tim Brzezinski

Resource Type
area  circle  exploration  pi  radius 
Target Group (Age)
11 – 14
CC-BY-SA, GeoGebra Terms of Use
Derived Resources
Circle Area (the "Sequel")
Shared by Jan Manders
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Circle Area (the "Sequel")
Shared by Ισίδωρος Γλαβάς
Proof of Pizza Slice Equality
Shared by cory.henwood
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by cory.henwood
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Antonio Comino
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Bo Kristensen
Shared by andrewlau917
Shared by Tam Terrence
Shared by Hui suet yi
Shared by P5_MATH
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by kennylau
Shared by wongwk
Shared by chengkp
Shared by stepyu
Shared by Hui suet yi
Shared by Angela Yan
Shared by Miss Tsui
Shared by andrewlau917
Shared by Chong
Shared by clh
circle ltc
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Shared by mok pui shan
L'aire du disque (par épluchage)
Shared by Jean-Marc BERROU
Untitled Applet
Shared by Jean-Marc BERROU
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by gimifulek
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Matthildur Rúnarsdóttir
Derive the Area of a Circle (By Peeling!)
Shared by Rose Neal
What is the formula for the circumference of a circle? What is the formula for the area of a triangle? How could we use these to help us find the area of a circle?
Shared by Rose Neal
Fläche eines Kreises (durch Schälen!)
Shared by Birgit Lachner
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by powere
Ympyrän pinta-alan havainnollistaminen (todistus haastava)
Shared by Annukka Rautiola
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Anna Westermark
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Nikolaj Bianco Nielsen
Cirklens Areal (løgmetoden!)
Shared by Nikolaj Bianco Nielsen
Area of a Circle (by peeling)
Shared by Mrs Rouse
Copy of Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Leann H.
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Johnathan
Copy of Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Balakrishnakumar M
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Dinesh Chinthaka.
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by ann-beth
Dairenin Alan Formülünün İspatı
Shared by levent akın
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Amy Mungan
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Victoria Afrianty Bessie
Untitled Applet
Shared by irina_hagman
Shared by Mardia Hayati
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Carlos Mena
Shared by Kyoungmin Ryu(류경민)
Untitled Applet
Shared by Ganchimeg Baljinnyam
Shared by Gungaajav
Дугуйн талбай
Shared by Gungaajav
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Pedro Lopes
1) Area of a Circle
Shared by Suzanne Scippa
پیدا کردن مساحت دایره به کمک مساحت مثلث
Shared by sepideh
برای پیدا کردن مساحت یک دایره اون رو به صورت نوارهایی برش میدیم و با این نوار ها یک مثلث درست میکنیم به فیلم زیر دقت کنید.
Shared by sepideh
Vztah mezi obvodem a obsahem kruhu
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წრის ფართობი
Shared by როინ ნაკაიძე
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Abilio Bittar
Cirkeln Area
Shared by sav71ert
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Татьяна Николаевна Старостенкова
Copy of Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Sunita Jadhav
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Chidan Arvansha
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Khoirul Mustaqim
Area of a Circle
Shared by Tim Brzezinski
Untitled Applet
Shared by Philippe Rocheleau
Copy of Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by rincy1
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by rincy1
Untitled Applet
Shared by dpolania
Untitled Applet
Shared by Ahmad Jibril Gifrany
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Spencer Riding
Luas Lingkaran (By Peeling!)
Shared by Yap
Circle Area (By Peeling!)
Shared by Yap
Area (By Peeling!) PBL
Shared by thomas_brown
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