Bo Kristensen
I'm head of the Danish GeoGebra Institute.
I worked as a primary and lower secondary math teacher for 12 years but now work as an educational consultant at University College Lillebælt.
Both in my job and as a hobby I'm always on the lookout for new ways to improve math teaching and making this wonderful subject accessible to as many kids in the world as possible.
I try to live by the motto "Sharing is caring" by sharing most of my work here on the tube and in different national and international communities on platforms like Facebook, blogs and digital teacher conferences. I also like to help out whenever possible, so contact me, if you need me for anything.
[color=#c51414][b]Here are a couple of the online communities I am a part of:[/b][/color]
[i]Facebook group for people interested in GeoGebra. Most communication is in Danish.[/i]
[i]This website contains information and previous recordings from our "monthly" free online webinars for teachers. Here we present perspectives on GeoGebra and show practical examples on how to use the program in school.[/i]
Facebook page for the Danish GeoGebra Institute:
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