2D shapes

2D shapes
You can count [u]sides[/u] and [u]vertices[/u] to name two-dimensional shapes.
2D shapes
Different Shapes according their sides and vertices
You can count sides and vertices to name two-dimensional shapes. Look at how many sides and vertices each shape has
Match the shape and their name
sides and vertex
Answer the question
A square has
A figure with 3 sides and 3 vertices is a...
A pentagon has

3D shapes

3D shapes
Watch the video. Brainstorm with your partner, what objects can you think of that match the shapes?
Introduction video: 3D shape song
3D shape review
Review 3D shapes with this video. Explain height, width and length to your partner. What makes a sphere different? What do you think a vertices is? Check with your answer with the teacher.
Learn about 3D shapes
Making cubes
Use the slide on the left to change the way to form a cube. Use the slide on the right to see it come together.
Ways to make a cube
Make your own cube
Making prisms
Use the slides on the left to make different prisms. Talk with your partner about the change in length, width and height and what happens to the prism.
Make different rectangular prisms

Perimeter and Area

10.1 Perimeter
[b][color=#ff0000]10.1 Perimeter[/color][color=#0000ff][br][br]How do you determine the perimeter?[/color][/b][br][i][color=#0000ff][size=85]Bagaimana anda menentukan perimeter?[/size][/color][/i]
[b][color=#0000ff]Perimeter is the total length around an enclosed area.[/color][/b][br][color=#0000ff][size=85]Perimeter ialah jumlah ukuran panjang sisi yang mengelilingi suatu kawasan tertutup.[/size][/color]
[b][color=#0000ff]Which Object has the largest perimeter.[/color][/b][br][br]A) I[br]B) II[br]C) III[br]D) IV
Largest perimeter is Object:[br]Perimeter terbesar adalah Objek:[br][br][br]Reason:
Select the distance or length [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_distance.png[/icon]tool. Find the perimeter of each of the following shapes.
[b][color=#ff0000]Which Object has the largest perimeter?[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff0000]Draw an quadrilateral with perimeter 18 cm[br][/color][/b]Lukiskan rajah Sisi Empat yang berperimeter 18 cm
Draw an quadrilateral with perimeter 18 cm
[b][color=#ff0000]Draw a triangle with perimeter 18 cm[br][/color][/b]Lukiskan rajah segitiga yang berperimeter 18 cm
Draw a Triangle with Perimeter 18 cm
Use the Polygon [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_polygon.png[/icon] tool and estimate the perimeter of circle given
Perimeter (Circumference) of Circle
Perimeter of Circle is

Parallelogram: Area

In the app below, use the [b]filling[/b] slider to make the parallelogram light enough so that you can see the white gridlines through it. [b]But don't touch anything else yet! [/b][br][br]After you set the [b]filling[/b] slider, try to count the number of squares inside this parallelogram. [br]Be sure to include partial squares! Provide a good estimate in the question box below.
Try to count the number of squares inside this parallelogram. How many squares (i.e. square units) do you estimate to be inside this parallelogram?
Slide the "[b]Slide Me" [/b]slider now. Carefully observe what happens. What shape do you see now?
How does the area of this new shape compare with the area of the original parallelogram? How do you know this?
How many squares do you now count in the newer shape that was formed? How many squares were in the original parallelogram?
Without looking it up on another tab in your browser, describe how we can find the area of ANY PARALLELOGRAM.

Volume of cylinder

Use the sliders to create a cylinder. Then learn how to find the volume of the cylinder.

Supplementary Angles (Quick Exploration)

[color=#000000]In the applet below, the [/color][b][color=#ff00ff]pink angle[/color][/b][color=#000000] and the [/color][b][color=#1e84cc]blue angle[/color][/b][color=#000000] are said to be [/color][b][color=#000000]supplementary angles[/color][/b][color=#000000]. [br][br]Interact with this applet for a minute or two, and answer the questions that appear below it.[/color]
In your own words, describe what it means for 2 angles to be supplementary angles.
[color=#000000]In the applet above, the [/color][b][color=#1e84cc]blue angle[/color][/b][color=#000000] is said to be a [/color][i][color=#000000][b]supplement [/b][/color][/i][color=#000000]of the [/color][color=#ff00ff][b]pink angle[/b][/color][color=#000000], and vice versa.[br][/color][color=#000000]Given this information, determine the [/color][i][color=#000000]supplement[/color] [/i][color=#000000]of a 130 degree angle. [/color]
What is the supplement of a 1-degree angle?
What angle measure has a supplement whose measure is equal to itself?
Quick (Silent) Demo: (0:30 - END)

Perpendicular Lines: Quick Intro

The lines below are said to be [b]perpendicular lines[/b]. [br][br]
Move the LARGE POINTS around a bit, then answer the question that appears below.
[b]What does it mean for two lines to be perpendicular? [/b]

Surface Area & Volume: Right Prism

Twice the area of the [color=#980000][b]base[/b][/color]and [color=#980000][b]top[/b][/color].[br]Twice the area of the [b][color=#0000ff]front[/color][/b] and [b][color=#0000ff]back[/color][/b].[br]Twice the area of the [b][color=#38761d]left[/color][/b] and [color=#38761d][b]right[/b][/color] sides.[br]The sum gives the [b]Surface Area[/b].[br]The product of the l, w, and h is the [b]Volume[/b].[br]Moving the sliders give different dimensions to the right prism.[br]Move the Net slider to open the net of the prism interactively.
Alternate version of Surface Area

Battleship in the Coordinate Plane!

Creation of this activity was inspired by [url=https://twitter.com/alicekeeler]Alice Keeler[/url]'s blog article "[url=http://www.alicekeeler.com/2016/01/14/game-based-learning-google-slides-coordinate-plane-battleship/]Game Based Learning: Google Slides Coordinate Plane Battleship[/url]".
[b]This game is played JUST LIKE the old Milton-Bradley game BATTLESHIP. [br]Yet here we'll be playing within the context of the COORDINATE PLANE. [br]The goal is to to SINK ALL 5 of your opponent's ships before he/she sinks all 5 of yours. [/b][br][br][b]When it is YOUR TURN, be sure to state the following: [/b][br][br][b]1) Quadrant Number[br]2) The Ordered Pair[br][br][/b]For example, stating "Quadrant 2: Negative 3 comma 2" indicates the ordered pair (-3, 2). [br]If it's a "MISS", plot a white point on your game board at that location. [br][color=#cc0000]If it's a "HIT", plot a red point on your game board at that location. [br][br][/color]Once you sink one of your opponent's ships, he/she needs to announce this fact to you. [br]When this does happen, use the SEGMENT tool to mark a sunken ship. [b][color=#ff00ff][i]Have fun! [/i][/color][/b]
How to Move Your Ships (at the Beginning); How to Mark Opponent's HITS (RED) and misses (yellow)
How to Plot YOUR OWN HITS (RED) and MISSES (WHITE) & How to Mark a Sunken Ship

Real World Examples of Cones
