Addition of vectors

Addition of two vectors.
Drag the vectors around. You can change the magnitude and direction of the vectors too. To show the parallelogram rule, place the vectors at the origin.

Partial derivatives and Tangent plane

This simulation shows the geometric interpretation of the partial derivatives of [i]f[/i]([i]x,y[/i]) at point A in [math]\mathbb{R}^2[/math]. It also shows the tangent plane at that point.[br][br]Things to try:                [list][*]Drag the point A in the xy-plane or type specific values on the boxes.              [/*][*]Select the object you want to show: Tangent plane, f[sub]x[/sub] or f[sub]y[/sub].           [/*][*]Use right click and drag the mouse to rotate the 3D view or click on View button.[/*][/list]

Vector fields in 2D

Double integral over a rectangle

Path integral for planar curves

This worksheet shows a geometrical representation of the path integral for planar curves. [br]If [math]c:[a,b]\rightarrow \mathbb R^2[/math] is of class [math]C^1[/math] and the composite function [math]t\rightarrow f(x(t),y(t))[/math] is continuous, then we define[br][math]\quad \quad\quad\int_c fds=\int_a^bf(x(t),y(t))||c'(t)||dt[/math][br]When [math]f(x,y)\geq0[/math], this integral has a geometric interpretation as the [b]area of a fence[/b].
Path integral for planar curves
Move the points in the plane to change the shape of the curve. You can change the surface as well.
