Amplitude and Midline - 2.6.13

Use the windmill animation to answer the questions below:
Let's say the windmill has a radius of 1 meter and its center is 8 meters off the ground. Write a function describing the relationship between the height [math]h[/math] of Point [math]k[/math] and the angle of rotation [math]\theta[/math]. Explain your reasoning. For a hint, write "Give me a hint!" and click "Check my answer"[br]
Describe how your function and its graph would change if the windmill blade has length 3 meters.[br]
Describe how your function and its graph would change if the windmill blade has length 0.5 meter.[br]
Describe how your function and its graph would change if the windmill were 11 meters off the ground.
Test your predictions by graphing the functions below:
Here is the graph of a different function describing the relationship between the height y, in feet, of the tip of a blade and the angle of rotation θ made by the blade.
Describe the windmill.

Information: Amplitude and Midline - 2.6.13