Circle Equation: Center (0,0)

For the questions below, be sure to zoom out if you need to!
Suppose [i]P(x,y)[/i] = any point that lies on a circle with center (0,0) and radius 5. [br]Use what you've observed to write an equation that expresses the relationship among [i]x[/i], [i]y[/i], and [i]r[/i].
What is the equation of a circle with center (0,0) and radius [i]r[/i] = 9?
Suppose another circle has center (0,0). Suppose this circle also passes through the point (12, -5).[br]Write the equation of this circle. [br]
Suppose [i]P(x,y)[/i] = any point that lies on a circle with center (0,0) and radius [i]r[/i], where [i]r[/i] > 0. [br]Use what you've observed to write an equation that expresses the relationship among [i]x[/i], [i]y[/i], and [i]r[/i].
Quick (Silent) Demo

Locus Problem (1)

In the applet below, [br][br][i][color=#1e84cc][b]F[/b][/color][/i][color=#1e84cc][b] is a point[/b] [/color]that is not on line [i]d[/i]. [br][b]Point [i]D[/i] is a point that lies ON [color=#666666]the line that passes through [i]A [/i]and [i]B[/i][/color]. [br][/b]The [color=#ff00ff][b]pink line[/b][/color] is the [color=#ff00ff][b]perpendicular bisector[/b][/color] of the segment with endpoints [i][color=#1e84cc][b]F[/b][/color][/i] and [i][b]D[/b][/i]. [br][br]Drag [b]point [i]D[/i][/b] along the line. What do you see? Describe in detail! [br] [br]Feel free to alter the locations of [color=#666666][i][b]A,[/b][/i][/color] [i][color=#666666][b]B[/b][/color], [/i]and/or [i][color=#1e84cc][b]F[/b][/color][/i][color=#666666]. [br][/color]Then [color=#38761d][b]clear the trace[/b][/color] and drag [b]point [i]D[/i][/b] along [color=#666666][b]the line[/b][/color] again. [br][br]Why does this occur?
Please go to the [url=]Locus Construction 1 Task[/url] and begin!

Locus Problem (2)

In the applet below, [br][br][color=#1e84cc][b][i]O[/i] is the center [/b][/color]of the circle shown. [br][b]Point [i]D[/i] is a point that lies ON this circle. [/b][br][color=#1e84cc][b]Point [i]A[/i] is a point that ALWAYS LIES INSIDE[/b] [/color]the circle. (You can move it anywhere you'd like). [br]The [color=#ff00ff][b]pink line[/b][/color] is the [color=#ff00ff][b]perpendicular bisector[/b][/color] of the segment with endpoints [i]A[/i] and [i]D[/i]. [br][br]Drag [b]point [i]D[/i][/b] around the circle a few times. What do you see? Describe in detail! [br] [br]Feel free to alter the locations of [i][color=#1e84cc][b]A[/b][/color][/i] and [i][color=#1e84cc][b]R[/b][/color]. [/i]Then clear the trace and drag [b]point [i]D[/i][/b] around again. [br][br]Why does this occur?
Please go to the [url=]Locus Construction 2 Task[/url] & begin!

Locus Problem (3)

In the applet below, [br][br][color=#1e84cc][b][i]O[/i] is the center [/b][/color]of the circle shown. [br][b]Point [i]D[/i] is a point that lies ON this circle. [br][/b][color=#1e84cc][b]Point [i]A[/i] is a point that ALWAYS LIES OUTSIDE[/b] [/color]the circle. (You can move it anywhere you'd like). [br]The [color=#ff00ff][b]pink line[/b][/color] is the [color=#ff00ff][b]perpendicular bisector[/b][/color] of the segment with endpoints [i]A[/i] and [i]D[/i]. [br][br]Drag [b]point [i]D[/i][/b] around the circle a few times. What do you see? Describe in detail! [br] [br]Feel free to alter the locations of [i][color=#1e84cc][b]A[/b][/color][/i] and [b]the gray point (radius changer)[/b][i]. [br][/i]Then clear the trace and drag [b]point [i]D[/i][/b] around again. [br][br]Why does this occur?
Please go to the [url=]Locus Construction (3) Task[/url] and begin!

Locus Constructions (via Paper Folding)

Locus Construction (I)
[url=]Locus Construction (I)[/url] - [color=#0000ff]with GeoGebra[/color]
Locus Construction (II)
[url=]Locus Construction (II)[/url] - [color=#0000ff]with GeoGebra[/color]
Locus Construction (III)
[url=]Locus Construction (III)[/url] - [color=#0000ff]with GeoGebra[/color]
