Finger Counting: 1 to 99

To count this way, hover your hands over a flat surface, like a desk or your lap.[br]Press with some of your fingers/thumbs to show a number.[br][br]Use this diagram to explore which pattern of pressing fingers/thumbs shows which number.
Move the slider and look for patterns. How does this counting system work?
For more practice:[br][br]Think of any number from 1 to 99. Decide how to show it on your hands. Move the slider to the number you were thinking of (or use the buttons to add or subtract 1, 5, or 10) to check your answer.[br][br]Or, use the applet below.[br][br]Think of any pattern of pressing fingers. Decide what number it shows. Click the circles to press (orange) or not press (blue) with each finger. (Some patterns aren't allowed in this applet.) Did you get the right number?[br][br]
I learned this counting method from The Complete Book of Chisanbop.[br][br]Hand image: [url=][/url], educational fair use.

Information: Finger Counting: 1 to 99