Interpreting A Diagram

This dynamic worksheet will help you understand how to interpret a geometric diagram.

1) Which angles look like right angles? 2) Which pairs of lines look like parallel lines? 3) Which angles look congruent? 4) Which segments look congruent? 5) Click the “Show Angle Measures” box. Drag the points of the angles around. • Which angle is actually a right angle? • Which angles are actually congruent? 6) Use the measure “Distance or Length” tool. Click on the segments. Drag the endpoints of the segments around. Which segments are actually congruent? 7) Drag the points on the lines around. Which lines are actually parallel? 8) Can you assume angles are right angles just because they look like it? __________ 9) Can you assume angles are congruent just because they look like it? _________ 10) Can you assume segments are congruent just because they look like it? _________ 11) Can you assume lines are parallel just because they look like it? _________