Fraction Models

This worksheet is for investigating/comparing fractions through the manipulation of rectangular and circular area models.

Visualize Equivalent Proper Fractions

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Adding Fractions with an Area Model

Adding fractions with an Area Model
Adding fractions with an Area Model
Use the are model to understand adding fractions.[br][br]Click the RESET arrows to get a new problem. (You might need to do this if the randomly generated problem does not make sense. For example 0/3 + 0/8)

Multiplying Fractions

[size=150][size=100]In mathematics we read the number sentence [math]\frac{2}{3}\times\frac{3}{5}[/math] as two-thirds of three-fifths. This applet is [br]designed to represent a whole with a square and interactive tools (check boxes and sliders), to investigate a model for multiplying fractions. [br][br]Begin by selecting the denominator and numerator check boxes for the blue fraction followed by the denominator and numerator check boxes for the red fraction. [/size][/size]

Fraction Between Two Fractions

 In this applet, we model fractions as slopes of line segments. [list=1][*]Form two fractions by dragging the blue points. One fraction is the ratio of the lengths of the red segments. The ratio of the lengths of the green segments is the second fraction.[/*][*]Drag the slider to construct segments with slopes equal to the given fractions. [/*][*]Try the construction with other fractions by dragging the blue points.[/*][/list]What is the relationship between the original fractions and the fraction formed by adding their numerators and the denominators? In other words, how the slope of the blue segment relates to the slopes of the red and the green one?

Geometry 2D - Shapes Activity

The purpose of this activity is to give students the opportunity to discover that 2D-shapes are all around us. Students will also be able to identify 2D-shapes.
Directions for teachers:[br]Allow students to preview the video on 2D-shapes. [br]Allow students to identify the 2D-shapes in the image. Allow students to use the tools provided to trace over all the 2D-shapes on the image that they see. Students will also name the shapes and write the number of each 2D-shape found.

Types of Lines

Coordinate Points

Place the point in the proper position on the coordinate grid.

Surface Area: Intuitive Introduction

For an introductory class activity related to this, [url=]click here[/url].

3D Shapes

There will be a few 3D shapes along with some questions.
Try different patterns and fold them up. Then, I will ask you some questions.
