CAS Schermindeling

The [i]CAS View[/i] allows you to use GeoGebra's CAS (Computer Algebra System) for symbolic computations. It consists of cells with an Input Field at the top and output display at the bottom. You can use these Input Fields in the same way as the normal Input Bar, with the following differences: [list][*]You can use variables that were not assigned any value. [u]Example[/u]: Enter [code](a+b)^2[/code] and hit the [i]Enter[/i] key. You will get the output [i]a²+2ab+b²[/i].[/*][*]Equations are entered starting with [code]=[/code], while [code]:=[/code] indicates an assignment. This means that the input [code]a = 2[/code] will not assign value [i]2[/i] to the variable [i]a[/i]. Please check out the [url=]GeoGebra Manual[/url] for [url=]details about assignments[/url].[/*][*]Multiplication needs to be marked explicitly. While in the Input Bar you can use both [code]a(b+c)[/code] and [code]a*(b+c)[/code] for multiplication, in the [i]CAS View[/i] only [code]a*(b+c)[/code] is valid. [/*][/list] Note: The CAS View offers a selection of keyboard shortcuts that help you to evaluate or check your input, as well as to reuse previous input or output in a ne row. Please check the GeoGebra Manual for details about [url=]using keyboard shortcuts in the CAS[/url].


chris cambré

Resource Type
Target Group (Age)
10 – 19+
Dutch / Nederlands‎ (België)
© 2025 International GeoGebra Institute