[b]GAME THEORY BI-MATRICES[/b] This book is a collection of applets on Game Theory normal form representations. Only games with two players have been considered. [b]The first applet[/b] considers up to 4x4 bi-matrices (games with up to 4 strategies for both players). To solve the games, the method of [i]iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies[/i] has been used. As an experimental feature, on can exercise the controversial method of [i]iterated elimination of Pareto-dominated strategies[/i] as well (eliminating weakly dominated strategies). [b]The second applet[/b] considers 2x2 bi-matrices. The applet calculates Nash equilibria both of pure and of mixed strategies. Corresponding expected utilities can be studied. [b]The third applet[/b] considers famous games of two players with two strategies (2x2 bi-matrices): - Prisoners' Dilemma - The Coordination Game - Hawk - Dove ("Chicken") - The Battle of the Sexes - Matching the Pennies One less known game with Pareto-dominated strategies has been added to illustrate the possibility of infinitely many Nash equilibria of mixed strategies. In all of the applets, I have tried to use [color=#0a971e][b]dynamic colours[/b][/color] to make the tables and figures more easily readable.


Jüri Eintalu

Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
bi-matrices  dominated  elimination  equilibria  form  game  iterated  nash  normal  of  representations strategies theory Show More…
Target Group (Age)
18 – 19+
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