GeoGebra Book: Classical Mechanics with Numerical Methods

A book on introductory mechanics and numerical methods for lower division undergraduate students in engineering or physical sciences. Edit 08/24 Added a section on multiplying vectors and the nonexistence of a vector inverse Edit 08/24 Added history of quaternions to the vectors chapter Edit 10/24/23 Rewrote introduction to Work and Energy chapter and added section on notation Edit 9/10/22. Edited fuel economy section Edit 9/10/22. Added kinematics examples. Edit 9/27/20. Added clarification of train transport efficiency. Edit 9/19/19. Clarification of gravitational fields in fundamental forces section. Edit 9/10/19. Graphic on box with static friction fixed. Edit 4/19/19. Section added on drag force derivation and other small details were modified. "Beach" by Pexels is in the Public Domain, CC0


Timo Budarz

Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
dynamics  energy  mechanics  methods  momentum  numerical 
Target Group (Age)
17 – 19+
© 2025 International GeoGebra Institute