¿A qué velocidad giras?

This applet contains a dynamic model that allows any student to adjust and observe the [color=#c51414][b]circle of latitude[/b][/color] a person "spins" in one 24-hour period. From this information, the student is then prompted to solve for 1) [color=#1551b5][b]The linear speed of a person standing on Earth's equator[/b][/color], & 2) [color=#c51414][b]The linear speed of a person residing any number of degrees north or south of the equator[/b][/color]. Solutions are provided for students to check their answers.


Antonio Novella

Resource Type
latitud  lineal  rectangulo  rectángulo  tierra  triangulo  triángulo  velocidad 
Target Group (Age)
3 – 19+
© 2025 International GeoGebra Institute