Displaying grouped data as individual values and as frequency histogram

Through this three representations of data, it is hoped students can understand better the concepts involved in grouped data, such as the mid-value of intervals, median, histogram, especially the arrangement of data points individually in ascending order of value (in this case estimated value using mid-values of each interval. Teachers can use this resource to explain how to read tabulated grouped data, how to relate a histogram to the tabulated grouped data, and also how the mid-value and frequency translates into assumed/estimate individual data values which are displayed in ascending order. (Further development is planned for this resource to let students compare the actual mean and median vs estimated mean and median when known individual values are grouped into intervals (tabulated and presented in histogram ) and mid-values are used instead of individual values.


Lew W. S.

Resource Type
class  data  frequency  grouped  histogram  interval  mid  tutorial 
Target Group (Age)
3 – 19+
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