Elementary Math (Sec 1 to 4) Applets (Shared Copy)
1. Introduction
- Completing the Square for Quadratic Expressions (Harder)
- Completing the Square Method in Quadratic Functions
2. Numbers And Algebra
- Prime Factors - step by step
- Factorization - Visual illustration of divisor pairs
- Self Assessment : Quadratic Curve's Properties
- Determining the Equation of Straight Lines Given Two Points
- Slope Intercept Form of Equation of Straight Line - Quiz
- Bar Model for Problems on Ratio Rate Direct Proportion
- find LCM and GCD
- Self Review of Maps and Scales Problems
- Fraction Multiplication
- Randomized linear simultaneous equations
- Basic Algebra Terms
- Distributive Law of Multiplication over Addition ( Pictorial)
- Indices Part 4 : Negative Integral Indices
- Solve Simple Linear Equations
- UCSS Math III 2B.1.5 Example 4
- Rational Expressions
- Rational Expression Unit Test
- "Pass the Paper" Problems- Adding & Subtracting REs
- Example 4
- Guided Practice Sheets
- Anchor Activities
- Example 1
- Simplify Expressions, More Complicated-Section 1.4
- Factoring Quadratic Expressions 3
- Multiplication Frame, Algebraic Factorisation.
- Factorization of Special Products
- Expansion of Linear Factors Using Multiplication Frame
- Proportional Thinking using Model-Table-Proportion(Algebra) Representations
- Solving Equations where Product of Linear Factors Equals Zero
- Map Scales (1)
- Map Scales(2)
- Binomial Multiplication
- Completing the square
- Magic machine for function
- Equivalent Fractions Puzzel
- Story of Rice on Chessboard : - Exponential Doubling
- sieve of eratosthenes
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Function Machine
- Percentages: Selling Problems, Profit & Loss
- Equivalent Linear Equations
- Solving Linear Inequalities (Level 2) Game
- Significant Figures Self Directed Quiz
- Smallest n such that m × n is a perfect square
- Smallest k such that m × k is a perfect cube
- Finding the ratio x : y given algebraic equation ax + by = cx + dy
- Fraction Division5: x ÷ a/b (Quotitive)
- Speed Time Graph for Self Directed Learning (Customizable)
- Distance Time Graph For Self Directed Learning
- Graphing on Graph Paper
- Solving percents with a bar model
- Balance Beam Equations
- Solving Proportions
- Numberline
- Adding and subtracting a negative integer
- Graphing Linear Equations in 2 Unknowns
- Ordered Pairs, Cartesian Coordinates Self Assessment
- Operation of 3 Sets #2
- Evaluating unknowns in Linear Equations in Two Variables and Graphing the Equations
- Linear Functions : Input Variable x and Output Variable y
- Speed, Distance & Time in Motion (RACE CAR)
- Distance Between Two Points (Length of Line Segment)
- Self Assess Distance Betw Two Points(Length of Line Segment)
- Forming Equation of a Straight Line Given Graph of Line
- Changes in Inequalities due to Multiplication and Division
- Fun With Number Pattern
- Representing Numbers on a Number Line
- Completing the Square Method in Quadratic Functions
- Expand Product of Two Linear Expressions (Area Method)
- Solve Simple Linear Equations (Apply Balance Concept)
- Algebra balance scales
- Equation Balance
- Graphing of Polynomial Functions Point by Point
- Sorting decimals from least to greatest
- Factorization of Quadratic Expressions Aided by Multiplication Frame
- Rational Expression Unit Pre-Assessment
- Function Machine 2
- Problem of movement
- Quadratic Formula - Approximate Solutions
- Coefficients of a general quadratic function
- Expand and Simplify Basic Algebraic Expression with Brackets
- Plotting graph of a function
- Concept of gradient(slope) of a line
- Midpoint between two points
- Concept of Cartesian coordinates
- Solving Simultaneous Linear Inequalities II (Self Directed Practice)
- Significant Figures Self Review 2
- Solve Simple Linear Equations (II)
- Maximum and Minimum Values of Inequalities in variables x and y
- Solving Simple Inequalities Game
- Copy of Simplifying Algebraic Fractions (Express as a Single fraction)
- Linear Equations in Two Variables - Solutions are points on Graph!
- Linear Equations in Two Variables - Solutions on the Graph
- Factorized Form of Quadratic Function
- Factorization involving Special Algebraic Identities (Perfect Squares and Difference of Squares)
- Exploration of roots of a quadratic equation (Copy)
- Connecting Angle between Two Lines and Trigonometric Ratios
- Gradient and Y Intercept of Straight Line & its Equation
- Multiplying integers (Copy)
- Real Number Classification - Introduction
- Place Value for Decimals
- Simplifying Combining into Single Algebraic Fraction (Two and Three Terms)
- Solve Linear Linear Fractions
- Simplifying Algebraic Fractions (Two Terms To be Expressed as Single fraction)
- Solving Equation with Expressions on Both Sides and Intersection of Two Graphs
- (Self running) Expand and Simplify Basic Algebraic Expression with Brackets
- Basic Algebra : Simplifying Expressions (1)
- Self Assessment (Record to Google Sheet): Graphs of Quadratic Functions such as +/- (x-p)^2 +q
- Shifting Patterns
- The Real Number System
- Fun with Decimals
- Translating between decimal and percentage
- Algebric puzzle for (a+b+c)²
- Compound Interest 複利息
- Compound Interest 複利息 (version with common ratio)
- Visualizing Number Patterns with Common Difference
- Factorization : Finding the Factor of Distributed Terms
- Expansion of Special Products
- Combining Simple Algebraic Fractions
- Ordering Rational Numbers
- Graphing Rational Numbers on a Horizontal Line
- Solving Linear Equations involving fractional coefficients and expressions (2)
- introduction to LCM
- HCF & LCM of Three Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求三個數的HCF和LCM
- Solving Linear Equations involving fractional coefficients and expressions (1)
- Quadratic Function Machine
- Modelling of the Parabolic Shape of the Flower Dome
- 複合不等式 Compound inequality (Eng ver)
- Representing inequalities on a number line (translated)
- Solving Simple Fractional Linear Equation (1)
- Real Mastermind
- Ordering Rational and Irrational Numbers (Number Sense)
- Ordering Irrational Numbers on the Number Line
- Rational and Irrational Number Classification
- Quadratic Solver Tool
- Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorization I (Self Review)
3. Geometry and Measurement
- Types of Triangles
- Bearings
- Angles in Opposite Segments
- Angles in the SemiCircle
- External Tangents to a Circle
- Introduction: Radians
- Congruent Triangles 3
- Basic Terms in Geometry
- Are the triangles congruent?
- Congruent Triangles Exploration 1
- Example 2
- Similar Figures
- Congruent Figures Activity
- Collinear Points (Definition Prompt)
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Geometry Exercise (Basic) Problem 2 : Application of Tangent Radius Property
- Geometry Exercise (Basic) Problem 1 : Application of Tangent Radius Property
- Area of Parallelograms
- Deriving the Area Formula of a Parallelogram
- Bearings : Practice with Compass Reference
- Area of a Trapezium
- Acute Obtuse or Reflex Angles
- Angle of Elevation and Depression
- 10.2 Angles of elevation and depression(仰角和俯角)
- Angle of elevation and depression
- Angle of elevation - light house1
- Angle of Elevation & Angle of Depression 仰角和俯角
- Converse of Pythagoras Theorem : Self Assessment
- Lines representing equations of the form x = a and y = c
- Mathematical Modelling of Filling of Circular Water Tank
- Angle between line AB and radius of the circle (Tangent Radius)
- Perpendicular lines and their Gradients
- 3D Sphere, Hemisphere Volume and Total Surface Areas
- Cone Volume and Total Surface Area
- Total Surface Area & Volume of Cylinder (with net shown)
- Self Review Mensuration of Hemispherical Bowl
- Self Review Mensuration of Composite Cylinder & Hemisphere
- Self Review Mensuration of Composite Hemisphere & Cone
- Are the triangles congruent?
- Arc Length 1
- Pythagorean Triple Generator
- Indices (Positive Integer Index) : Introduction
- Relationship between Arc Length, Area of Sector, Radius and Angle (in degrees)
- Exploring the Converse of Pythagoras Theorem
- Shortest Distance between a Point and a Line (in Angle Bisector)
- Deriving area of trapezium by using a parallelogram
- Parallelogram Investigation - Area
- Quiz on Solving Right Triangles (Combined) 解直角三角形:合併測驗
- Net of cone
- Net of pyramid
- Net of prism
- Net of cylinder
- Different nets of cube
- Different nets of rectangular prism(cuboid)
- Area of kite
- Geometric properties of a quadrilateral
- Investigation - Corresponding angles, alternate angles and interior angles
- Let's Build Prisms
- Investigating - Ratios of Sides in a Right Angled Triangle Triangle
- Proof Without Words
- Pythagoras Theorem (Proof with Calculations)
- Pythagoras
- MCAS Pythagorean Theorem Self-Test
- Leiter an der Wand
- Pythagoras Theorem Revision & Practical Applications
- Spiral of Pythagoras
- Missing Side Lengths
- Quiz: Pythagorean Theorem (2A)
- More Trouble with Triangles
- Cavalieri's Principle (祖暅原理)
- Volume of a Pyramid - Cavalieri's Principle
- Deplacement, velocity and acceleration in the same visual
4. Statistics and Probability
- Tree Diagrams
- Permutation Braid, 4 Unique Objects
- Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode Example 2
- Boxplot Game
- Dot Plot Interactive
- AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
- AQR Section 17: Calculating Summary Statistics
- AQR Section 17: Dot Plot and Box-and-Whisker Plot
- Visualizing Statistical Information
- 3 Dice
- Probability: Selecting Balls
- Computing Simple Probabilities from Tables
- Experimental probability
- rolling a dice
- Example 1
- flipping a coin
- Probability with Area
- dotplot
- Mean and Median Practice
- measures of center
- Averages (Mean, Median, Mode)
- AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
- Data Visualization
- Standard Deviation Investigation
- AQR Quick Question 17.3: Mean, Median, and Midrange
- Probability
- Probability and Tree Diagram
- Probability trees
- rolling two dice-1
- Introduction to Probability ---- The Rolling of a Die
- Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
- Outlier Influence
- UCSS Math II 4.3.2 Example 1
- UCSS Math II 4.3.1 Example 3
- UCSS Math II 4.3.1 Example 2
- Stem and Leaf Plot Template
- Interactive Dot Diagram(with Illustration of Mean, Median)
- Comparing Histogram, Dot and Stem & Leaf Diagrams
- Big Tree Diagram
- Displaying grouped data as individual values and as frequency histogram
5. Past Examination Resources
- Past Years' Examination O Level Math and Additional Math Compilations
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Elementary Math (Sec 1 to 4) Applets (Shared Copy)
Lew W. S., Apr 4, 2020

Compilation for fellow teachers to edit, collate (according to curriculum strands and alos update and add on useful interactive resources.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Completing the Square for Quadratic Expressions (Harder)
- Completing the Square Method in Quadratic Functions
- Numbers And Algebra
- Prime Factors - step by step
- Factorization - Visual illustration of divisor pairs
- Self Assessment : Quadratic Curve's Properties
- Determining the Equation of Straight Lines Given Two Points
- Slope Intercept Form of Equation of Straight Line - Quiz
- Bar Model for Problems on Ratio Rate Direct Proportion
- find LCM and GCD
- Self Review of Maps and Scales Problems
- Fraction Multiplication
- Randomized linear simultaneous equations
- Basic Algebra Terms
- Distributive Law of Multiplication over Addition ( Pictorial)
- Indices Part 4 : Negative Integral Indices
- Solve Simple Linear Equations
- UCSS Math III 2B.1.5 Example 4
- Rational Expressions
- Rational Expression Unit Test
- "Pass the Paper" Problems- Adding & Subtracting REs
- Example 4
- Guided Practice Sheets
- Anchor Activities
- Example 1
- Simplify Expressions, More Complicated-Section 1.4
- Factoring Quadratic Expressions 3
- Multiplication Frame, Algebraic Factorisation.
- Factorization of Special Products
- Expansion of Linear Factors Using Multiplication Frame
- Proportional Thinking using Model-Table-Proportion(Algebra) Representations
- Solving Equations where Product of Linear Factors Equals Zero
- Map Scales (1)
- Map Scales(2)
- Binomial Multiplication
- Completing the square
- Magic machine for function
- Equivalent Fractions Puzzel
- Story of Rice on Chessboard : - Exponential Doubling
- sieve of eratosthenes
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Function Machine
- Percentages: Selling Problems, Profit & Loss
- Equivalent Linear Equations
- Solving Linear Inequalities (Level 2) Game
- Significant Figures Self Directed Quiz
- Smallest n such that m × n is a perfect square
- Smallest k such that m × k is a perfect cube
- Finding the ratio x : y given algebraic equation ax + by = cx + dy
- Fraction Division5: x ÷ a/b (Quotitive)
- Speed Time Graph for Self Directed Learning (Customizable)
- Distance Time Graph For Self Directed Learning
- Graphing on Graph Paper
- Solving percents with a bar model
- Balance Beam Equations
- Solving Proportions
- Numberline
- Adding and subtracting a negative integer
- Graphing Linear Equations in 2 Unknowns
- Ordered Pairs, Cartesian Coordinates Self Assessment
- Operation of 3 Sets #2
- Evaluating unknowns in Linear Equations in Two Variables and Graphing the Equations
- Linear Functions : Input Variable x and Output Variable y
- Speed, Distance & Time in Motion (RACE CAR)
- Distance Between Two Points (Length of Line Segment)
- Self Assess Distance Betw Two Points(Length of Line Segment)
- Forming Equation of a Straight Line Given Graph of Line
- Changes in Inequalities due to Multiplication and Division
- Fun With Number Pattern
- Representing Numbers on a Number Line
- Completing the Square Method in Quadratic Functions
- Expand Product of Two Linear Expressions (Area Method)
- Solve Simple Linear Equations (Apply Balance Concept)
- Algebra balance scales
- Equation Balance
- Graphing of Polynomial Functions Point by Point
- Sorting decimals from least to greatest
- Factorization of Quadratic Expressions Aided by Multiplication Frame
- Rational Expression Unit Pre-Assessment
- Function Machine 2
- Problem of movement
- Quadratic Formula - Approximate Solutions
- Coefficients of a general quadratic function
- Expand and Simplify Basic Algebraic Expression with Brackets
- Plotting graph of a function
- Concept of gradient(slope) of a line
- Midpoint between two points
- Concept of Cartesian coordinates
- Solving Simultaneous Linear Inequalities II (Self Directed Practice)
- Significant Figures Self Review 2
- Solve Simple Linear Equations (II)
- Maximum and Minimum Values of Inequalities in variables x and y
- Solving Simple Inequalities Game
- Copy of Simplifying Algebraic Fractions (Express as a Single fraction)
- Linear Equations in Two Variables - Solutions are points on Graph!
- Linear Equations in Two Variables - Solutions on the Graph
- Factorized Form of Quadratic Function
- Factorization involving Special Algebraic Identities (Perfect Squares and Difference of Squares)
- Exploration of roots of a quadratic equation (Copy)
- Connecting Angle between Two Lines and Trigonometric Ratios
- Gradient and Y Intercept of Straight Line & its Equation
- Multiplying integers (Copy)
- Real Number Classification - Introduction
- Place Value for Decimals
- Simplifying Combining into Single Algebraic Fraction (Two and Three Terms)
- Solve Linear Linear Fractions
- Simplifying Algebraic Fractions (Two Terms To be Expressed as Single fraction)
- Solving Equation with Expressions on Both Sides and Intersection of Two Graphs
- (Self running) Expand and Simplify Basic Algebraic Expression with Brackets
- Basic Algebra : Simplifying Expressions (1)
- Self Assessment (Record to Google Sheet): Graphs of Quadratic Functions such as +/- (x-p)^2 +q
- Shifting Patterns
- The Real Number System
- Fun with Decimals
- Translating between decimal and percentage
- Algebric puzzle for (a+b+c)²
- Compound Interest 複利息
- Compound Interest 複利息 (version with common ratio)
- Visualizing Number Patterns with Common Difference
- Factorization : Finding the Factor of Distributed Terms
- Expansion of Special Products
- Combining Simple Algebraic Fractions
- Ordering Rational Numbers
- Graphing Rational Numbers on a Horizontal Line
- Solving Linear Equations involving fractional coefficients and expressions (2)
- introduction to LCM
- HCF & LCM of Three Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求三個數的HCF和LCM
- Solving Linear Equations involving fractional coefficients and expressions (1)
- Quadratic Function Machine
- Modelling of the Parabolic Shape of the Flower Dome
- 複合不等式 Compound inequality (Eng ver)
- Representing inequalities on a number line (translated)
- Solving Simple Fractional Linear Equation (1)
- Real Mastermind
- Ordering Rational and Irrational Numbers (Number Sense)
- Ordering Irrational Numbers on the Number Line
- Rational and Irrational Number Classification
- Quadratic Solver Tool
- Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorization I (Self Review)
- Geometry and Measurement
- Types of Triangles
- Bearings
- Angles in Opposite Segments
- Angles in the SemiCircle
- External Tangents to a Circle
- Introduction: Radians
- Congruent Triangles 3
- Basic Terms in Geometry
- Are the triangles congruent?
- Congruent Triangles Exploration 1
- Example 2
- Similar Figures
- Congruent Figures Activity
- Collinear Points (Definition Prompt)
- Triangle Angle Theorems
- Geometry Exercise (Basic) Problem 2 : Application of Tangent Radius Property
- Geometry Exercise (Basic) Problem 1 : Application of Tangent Radius Property
- Area of Parallelograms
- Deriving the Area Formula of a Parallelogram
- Bearings : Practice with Compass Reference
- Area of a Trapezium
- Acute Obtuse or Reflex Angles
- Angle of Elevation and Depression
- 10.2 Angles of elevation and depression(仰角和俯角)
- Angle of elevation and depression
- Angle of elevation - light house1
- Angle of Elevation & Angle of Depression 仰角和俯角
- Converse of Pythagoras Theorem : Self Assessment
- Lines representing equations of the form x = a and y = c
- Mathematical Modelling of Filling of Circular Water Tank
- Angle between line AB and radius of the circle (Tangent Radius)
- Perpendicular lines and their Gradients
- 3D Sphere, Hemisphere Volume and Total Surface Areas
- Cone Volume and Total Surface Area
- Total Surface Area & Volume of Cylinder (with net shown)
- Self Review Mensuration of Hemispherical Bowl
- Self Review Mensuration of Composite Cylinder & Hemisphere
- Self Review Mensuration of Composite Hemisphere & Cone
- Are the triangles congruent?
- Arc Length 1
- Pythagorean Triple Generator
- Indices (Positive Integer Index) : Introduction
- Relationship between Arc Length, Area of Sector, Radius and Angle (in degrees)
- Exploring the Converse of Pythagoras Theorem
- Shortest Distance between a Point and a Line (in Angle Bisector)
- Deriving area of trapezium by using a parallelogram
- Parallelogram Investigation - Area
- Quiz on Solving Right Triangles (Combined) 解直角三角形:合併測驗
- Net of cone
- Net of pyramid
- Net of prism
- Net of cylinder
- Different nets of cube
- Different nets of rectangular prism(cuboid)
- Area of kite
- Geometric properties of a quadrilateral
- Investigation - Corresponding angles, alternate angles and interior angles
- Let's Build Prisms
- Investigating - Ratios of Sides in a Right Angled Triangle Triangle
- Proof Without Words
- Pythagoras Theorem (Proof with Calculations)
- Pythagoras
- MCAS Pythagorean Theorem Self-Test
- Leiter an der Wand
- Pythagoras Theorem Revision & Practical Applications
- Spiral of Pythagoras
- Missing Side Lengths
- Quiz: Pythagorean Theorem (2A)
- More Trouble with Triangles
- Cavalieri's Principle (祖暅原理)
- Volume of a Pyramid - Cavalieri's Principle
- Deplacement, velocity and acceleration in the same visual
- Statistics and Probability
- Tree Diagrams
- Permutation Braid, 4 Unique Objects
- Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode Example 2
- Boxplot Game
- Dot Plot Interactive
- AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
- AQR Section 17: Calculating Summary Statistics
- AQR Section 17: Dot Plot and Box-and-Whisker Plot
- Visualizing Statistical Information
- 3 Dice
- Probability: Selecting Balls
- Computing Simple Probabilities from Tables
- Experimental probability
- rolling a dice
- Example 1
- flipping a coin
- Probability with Area
- dotplot
- Mean and Median Practice
- measures of center
- Averages (Mean, Median, Mode)
- AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
- Data Visualization
- Standard Deviation Investigation
- AQR Quick Question 17.3: Mean, Median, and Midrange
- Probability
- Probability and Tree Diagram
- Probability trees
- rolling two dice-1
- Introduction to Probability ---- The Rolling of a Die
- Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
- Outlier Influence
- UCSS Math II 4.3.2 Example 1
- UCSS Math II 4.3.1 Example 3
- UCSS Math II 4.3.1 Example 2
- Stem and Leaf Plot Template
- Interactive Dot Diagram(with Illustration of Mean, Median)
- Comparing Histogram, Dot and Stem & Leaf Diagrams
- Big Tree Diagram
- Displaying grouped data as individual values and as frequency histogram
- Past Examination Resources
- Past Years' Examination O Level Math and Additional Math Compilations
Numbers And Algebra
1. Prime Factors - step by step
2. Factorization - Visual illustration of divisor pairs
3. Self Assessment : Quadratic Curve's Properties
4. Determining the Equation of Straight Lines Given Two Points
5. Slope Intercept Form of Equation of Straight Line - Quiz
6. Bar Model for Problems on Ratio Rate Direct Proportion
7. find LCM and GCD
8. Self Review of Maps and Scales Problems
9. Fraction Multiplication
10. Randomized linear simultaneous equations
11. Basic Algebra Terms
12. Distributive Law of Multiplication over Addition ( Pictorial)
13. Indices Part 4 : Negative Integral Indices
14. Solve Simple Linear Equations
15. UCSS Math III 2B.1.5 Example 4
16. Rational Expressions
17. Rational Expression Unit Test
18. "Pass the Paper" Problems- Adding & Subtracting REs
19. Example 4
20. Guided Practice Sheets
21. Anchor Activities
22. Example 1
23. Simplify Expressions, More Complicated-Section 1.4
24. Factoring Quadratic Expressions 3
25. Multiplication Frame, Algebraic Factorisation.
26. Factorization of Special Products
27. Expansion of Linear Factors Using Multiplication Frame
28. Proportional Thinking using Model-Table-Proportion(Algebra) Representations
29. Solving Equations where Product of Linear Factors Equals Zero
30. Map Scales (1)
31. Map Scales(2)
32. Binomial Multiplication
33. Completing the square
34. Magic machine for function
35. Equivalent Fractions Puzzel
36. Story of Rice on Chessboard : - Exponential Doubling
37. sieve of eratosthenes
38. Sieve of Eratosthenes
39. Sieve of Eratosthenes
40. Function Machine
41. Percentages: Selling Problems, Profit & Loss
42. Equivalent Linear Equations
43. Solving Linear Inequalities (Level 2) Game
44. Significant Figures Self Directed Quiz
45. Smallest n such that m × n is a perfect square
46. Smallest k such that m × k is a perfect cube
47. Finding the ratio x : y given algebraic equation ax + by = cx + dy
48. Fraction Division5: x ÷ a/b (Quotitive)
49. Speed Time Graph for Self Directed Learning (Customizable)
50. Distance Time Graph For Self Directed Learning
51. Graphing on Graph Paper
52. Solving percents with a bar model
53. Balance Beam Equations
54. Solving Proportions
55. Numberline
56. Adding and subtracting a negative integer
57. Graphing Linear Equations in 2 Unknowns
58. Ordered Pairs, Cartesian Coordinates Self Assessment
59. Operation of 3 Sets #2
60. Evaluating unknowns in Linear Equations in Two Variables and Graphing the Equations
61. Linear Functions : Input Variable x and Output Variable y
62. Speed, Distance & Time in Motion (RACE CAR)
63. Distance Between Two Points (Length of Line Segment)
64. Self Assess Distance Betw Two Points(Length of Line Segment)
65. Forming Equation of a Straight Line Given Graph of Line
66. Changes in Inequalities due to Multiplication and Division
67. Fun With Number Pattern
68. Representing Numbers on a Number Line
69. Completing the Square Method in Quadratic Functions
70. Expand Product of Two Linear Expressions (Area Method)
71. Solve Simple Linear Equations (Apply Balance Concept)
72. Algebra balance scales
73. Equation Balance
74. Graphing of Polynomial Functions Point by Point
75. Sorting decimals from least to greatest
76. Factorization of Quadratic Expressions Aided by Multiplication Frame
77. Rational Expression Unit Pre-Assessment
78. Function Machine 2
79. Problem of movement
80. Quadratic Formula - Approximate Solutions
81. Coefficients of a general quadratic function
82. Expand and Simplify Basic Algebraic Expression with Brackets
83. Plotting graph of a function
84. Concept of gradient(slope) of a line
85. Midpoint between two points
86. Concept of Cartesian coordinates
87. Solving Simultaneous Linear Inequalities II (Self Directed Practice)
88. Significant Figures Self Review 2
89. Solve Simple Linear Equations (II)
90. Maximum and Minimum Values of Inequalities in variables x and y
91. Solving Simple Inequalities Game
92. Copy of Simplifying Algebraic Fractions (Express as a Single fraction)
93. Linear Equations in Two Variables - Solutions are points on Graph!
94. Linear Equations in Two Variables - Solutions on the Graph
95. Factorized Form of Quadratic Function
96. Factorization involving Special Algebraic Identities (Perfect Squares and Difference of Squares)
97. Exploration of roots of a quadratic equation (Copy)
98. Connecting Angle between Two Lines and Trigonometric Ratios
99. Gradient and Y Intercept of Straight Line & its Equation
100. Multiplying integers (Copy)
101. Real Number Classification - Introduction
102. Place Value for Decimals
103. Simplifying Combining into Single Algebraic Fraction (Two and Three Terms)
104. Solve Linear Linear Fractions
105. Simplifying Algebraic Fractions (Two Terms To be Expressed as Single fraction)
106. Solving Equation with Expressions on Both Sides and Intersection of Two Graphs
107. (Self running) Expand and Simplify Basic Algebraic Expression with Brackets
108. Basic Algebra : Simplifying Expressions (1)
109. Self Assessment (Record to Google Sheet): Graphs of Quadratic Functions such as +/- (x-p)^2 +q
110. Shifting Patterns
111. The Real Number System
112. Fun with Decimals
113. Translating between decimal and percentage
114. Algebric puzzle for (a+b+c)²
115. Compound Interest 複利息
116. Compound Interest 複利息 (version with common ratio)
117. Visualizing Number Patterns with Common Difference
118. Factorization : Finding the Factor of Distributed Terms
119. Expansion of Special Products
120. Combining Simple Algebraic Fractions
121. Ordering Rational Numbers
122. Graphing Rational Numbers on a Horizontal Line
123. Solving Linear Equations involving fractional coefficients and expressions (2)
124. introduction to LCM
125. HCF & LCM of Three Numbers by Short Division 以短除法求三個數的HCF和LCM
126. Solving Linear Equations involving fractional coefficients and expressions (1)
127. Quadratic Function Machine
128. Modelling of the Parabolic Shape of the Flower Dome
129. 複合不等式 Compound inequality (Eng ver)
130. Representing inequalities on a number line (translated)
131. Solving Simple Fractional Linear Equation (1)
132. Real Mastermind
133. Ordering Rational and Irrational Numbers (Number Sense)
134. Ordering Irrational Numbers on the Number Line
135. Rational and Irrational Number Classification
136. Quadratic Solver Tool
137. Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorization I (Self Review)
Prime Factors - step by step
Enter a positive integer and explore it's decomposition into prime factors.
If the factoring doesn't fit in the screen height - a scroll bar appears on the left.

Geometry and Measurement
1. Types of Triangles
2. Bearings
3. Angles in Opposite Segments
4. Angles in the SemiCircle
5. External Tangents to a Circle
6. Introduction: Radians
7. Congruent Triangles 3
8. Basic Terms in Geometry
9. Are the triangles congruent?
10. Congruent Triangles Exploration 1
11. Example 2
12. Similar Figures
13. Congruent Figures Activity
14. Collinear Points (Definition Prompt)
15. Triangle Angle Theorems
16. Geometry Exercise (Basic) Problem 2 : Application of Tangent Radius Property
17. Geometry Exercise (Basic) Problem 1 : Application of Tangent Radius Property
18. Area of Parallelograms
19. Deriving the Area Formula of a Parallelogram
20. Bearings : Practice with Compass Reference
21. Area of a Trapezium
22. Acute Obtuse or Reflex Angles
23. Angle of Elevation and Depression
24. 10.2 Angles of elevation and depression(仰角和俯角)
25. Angle of elevation and depression
26. Angle of elevation - light house1
27. Angle of Elevation & Angle of Depression 仰角和俯角
28. Converse of Pythagoras Theorem : Self Assessment
29. Lines representing equations of the form x = a and y = c
30. Mathematical Modelling of Filling of Circular Water Tank
31. Angle between line AB and radius of the circle (Tangent Radius)
32. Perpendicular lines and their Gradients
33. 3D Sphere, Hemisphere Volume and Total Surface Areas
34. Cone Volume and Total Surface Area
35. Total Surface Area & Volume of Cylinder (with net shown)
36. Self Review Mensuration of Hemispherical Bowl
37. Self Review Mensuration of Composite Cylinder & Hemisphere
38. Self Review Mensuration of Composite Hemisphere & Cone
39. Are the triangles congruent?
40. Arc Length 1
41. Pythagorean Triple Generator
42. Indices (Positive Integer Index) : Introduction
43. Relationship between Arc Length, Area of Sector, Radius and Angle (in degrees)
44. Exploring the Converse of Pythagoras Theorem
45. Shortest Distance between a Point and a Line (in Angle Bisector)
46. Deriving area of trapezium by using a parallelogram
47. Parallelogram Investigation - Area
48. Quiz on Solving Right Triangles (Combined) 解直角三角形:合併測驗
49. Net of cone
50. Net of pyramid
51. Net of prism
52. Net of cylinder
53. Different nets of cube
54. Different nets of rectangular prism(cuboid)
55. Area of kite
56. Geometric properties of a quadrilateral
57. Investigation - Corresponding angles, alternate angles and interior angles
58. Let's Build Prisms
59. Investigating - Ratios of Sides in a Right Angled Triangle Triangle
60. Proof Without Words
61. Pythagoras Theorem (Proof with Calculations)
62. Pythagoras
63. MCAS Pythagorean Theorem Self-Test
64. Leiter an der Wand
65. Pythagoras Theorem Revision & Practical Applications
66. Spiral of Pythagoras
67. Missing Side Lengths
68. Quiz: Pythagorean Theorem (2A)
69. More Trouble with Triangles
70. Cavalieri's Principle (祖暅原理)
71. Volume of a Pyramid - Cavalieri's Principle
72. Deplacement, velocity and acceleration in the same visual
Types of Triangles
Drag point C.
Create the different types of triangles: scalene, acute, isosceles, obtuse, equilateral, right.

This application shows approximations of ideal types.
Statistics and Probability
1. Tree Diagrams
2. Permutation Braid, 4 Unique Objects
3. Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode Example 2
4. Boxplot Game
5. Dot Plot Interactive
6. AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
7. AQR Section 17: Calculating Summary Statistics
8. AQR Section 17: Dot Plot and Box-and-Whisker Plot
9. Visualizing Statistical Information
10. 3 Dice
11. Probability: Selecting Balls
12. Computing Simple Probabilities from Tables
13. Experimental probability
14. rolling a dice
15. Example 1
16. flipping a coin
17. Probability with Area
18. dotplot
19. Mean and Median Practice
20. measures of center
21. Averages (Mean, Median, Mode)
22. AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
23. Data Visualization
24. Standard Deviation Investigation
25. AQR Quick Question 17.3: Mean, Median, and Midrange
26. Probability
27. Probability and Tree Diagram
28. Probability trees
29. rolling two dice-1
30. Introduction to Probability ---- The Rolling of a Die
31. Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
32. Outlier Influence
33. UCSS Math II 4.3.2 Example 1
34. UCSS Math II 4.3.1 Example 3
35. UCSS Math II 4.3.1 Example 2
36. Stem and Leaf Plot Template
37. Interactive Dot Diagram(with Illustration of Mean, Median)
38. Comparing Histogram, Dot and Stem & Leaf Diagrams
39. Big Tree Diagram
40. Displaying grouped data as individual values and as frequency histogram
Tree Diagrams
A worksheet to see how tree diagrams work.

Past Years' Examination O Level Math and Additional Math Compilations
Sec 4 Express E Math by Abdul Latiff
Sec 5 Normal E Math by Abdul Latiff
E Math O Level Topical by Abdul Latiff
E Math O Level Yearly by Abdul Latiff
A Math O Level Yearly by Abdul Latiff
A Math O Level Topical by Abdul Latiff
A and O Level Mathematics by Abdul Latiff
Mathematics by Abdul Latiff
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