Arbelos Chain, Final

Let one circle enclose another. Proposition: [i]to construct a chain of tangent circles in the ring.[/i] General solution in a closed figure: bounding circle and image superimposed. n varies the radius of the enclosed circle. The limiting figure as n→∞, is the Shoemaker's knife. _____________________ Archimedes' Arbelos: [list] [*]1a. Inscribe a circle in the arc.[url][/url] [*]1b. Tangent circles in the arc (Solution 1). [*]1c. Vector Reduction: [url][/url] [*]1d. Ellipse from parameter, scale and rotation:[url][/url] [*]1e. Final Construction: [url][/url] [*]2a. Let one circle enclose another. Inscribe a third circle in the ring: [url][/url] [*]2b. Tangent circles in the ring. [url][/url] [/list] 3. Cyclic Solution: [list] [*]3a. An outer ring of tangent circles: [url][/url] [*]3b. Determine the projection. [*][b]→3c. Final Construction.[/b] [/list]


Ryan Hirst

Tipo de recurso
archimedes  knife  pappus  projection  shoemaker  steiner 
Grupo destino (edad)
English (United States)
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