Singulärwertzerlegung ℝ² ³- Singular value decomposition

Example: Solution of A x = b with A ={{1, 1, 1},{1, 1, 0}} b ={{3},{2}} Left-Right-Pseudo-Inverse A_{L+), A_{R+} JordanDiagonalization JD - JDL^A_{L+}, JDR^A_{R+}) Basis Matrix of Eigen-Vectors JD(1) Gram-Schmidt-Orthogonalization - CAS-Function gs() - in Row-Vector-Form Σ Matrix sqrt of Eigenvalues JD(2) U^T A V = Σ (23) due to row vector from Gram-Schmidt IL = V^{T} Σ^{-1} U b



Target Group (Age)
3 – 19+
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