GeoGebra Institute of WuXi
GeoGebra Institute of WuXi
[b]1. Structure of GeoGebra Institute
GeoGebra Institute of Wuxi is formed by Mathematics and English teachers of Wuxi Branch College of Tourism and Commerce, Jiangsu Union
Technical Institute. It is supervised by the Teaching & Researching Science Office of the college and serves as a research group at the present stage.
2. People of GeoGebra Institute
[*][color=#c51414]Donghai Zhang[/color]: [url][/url]
[*]Ziying Wu(Chuck): [url][/url]
[*][color=#1551b5]Jing Chen[/color]: [url][/url]
3. Activities and Goals of GeoGebra Institute
[*]The research group started to improve the translation of instructions of Geogebra into Simplified Chinese from the beginning of 2016, and it is still in progress.
[*]We are going to publish Geogebra Instruction Manual in Simplified Chinese version and textbook for Geogebra learners in the following one or two years.
[*]A Geogebra-specialized lab will be set up in our college which is used to have elective coursesn on Geobebra.
[*]With the support of Wuxi National Institute of Education Sciences, We plan to hold lectures in other schools of Wuxi to promote Geogebra to train the teachers to use it in teaching and students in learning, expecting to make the full use of Geogebra.[/b]
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