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This page contains links to some of my GeoGebra Books. The books are not like a static textbook because you can interact with the activities and bring the maths to life. Each page of each book contains a specific GeoGebra App. My advice is to jump straight in and explore and only use the instructions if you need them and if they are in a language that you can understand.
Many applets are in the form of quizzes that allow you to control the difficulty level and they even keep your score for you!
[url]Numbers with Mr Downes[/]
[url]Geometry with Mr Downes[/]
Algebra with Mr Downes[math][list]
Statistics and probability with Mr Downes
Sets with Mr Downes
Selected Junior Cycle Skills with Mr Downes
Calculus with Mr Downes
The Junior Cycle specification lays the groundwork for the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Learners explore representations of numbers and the connections between them, as well as the properties and relationships of binary operations. Learners should learn to use calculators strategically where computation by hand and/or mentally is impractical or less efficient.
Leaving certificate learners work on proof and become more proficient at using algebraic notation and the laws of arithmetic and induction to show that something
is always true.
Miscellaneous Links
Here we focus on counting and the natural numbers. Usually we use a horizontal number line increasing to the right. If we turn it so that it is vertical we make up the positive ( increasing ) direction.
Spend time exploring the applets.
Topic:Numbers, Rational Numbers
Explore rational numbers and irrational numbers here.
Rational numbers can be expressed in the form p/q where p, q are integers and q 0, and they may be terminating decimals or non terminating but repeating.
Irrational numbers are decimals which are non terminating and non repeating
For rational number 3/23 see that the digits 1304347826086956521739 is repeated, if we set the
the slider "number of digits in column to show" to 22 digits.
What happens if you change the slider value?
Try the rational number 2/17
Adjust the slider "number of digits in column to show" such that you can see the repetition of digits.
What are the digits repeated?
Explore the other rational numbers and irrational numbers!
For example, why some rational numbers have non terminating decimals (but with recurring or repeated digits) like 3/23 above while some have terminating decimals like 3/25 or 3/75, or 7/140 ?
Hint: Consider the denominator of the fraction in the lowest terms. What are the prime factors of the denominator?
1. Ordering Fractions
2. Fractions of Shapes
3. Fraction Models
4. TR KAY - Equivalent Fractions
5. Improper to Mixed Fractions
6. Mixed to Improper Fractions
7. Quiz on Arithmetic Operations of Fractions
8. Exploring Multiplying Fractions by Partitioning
9. Compare proper and improper fractions
10. Rational and Irrational Numbers in Decimal Form
11. Arranging fractions, decimals, and percents
12. Patterns in decimals (rational / recurring/ irrational)
13. Fractions on Number Line
14. Dividing Fractions
15. Operations with fractions
16. Ordenar fracciones
17. RationalSort
18. Identifying Rational vs Irrationals
19. Converting Decimals to Fraction
20. Moving Place Value
21. The Power of Ten
22. Copy of NS1-03-P1 Compare Numbers with Number Line
Some aspects of number sense are: counting, skip counting, place value, one-to-one correspondence, ordering numbers, comparing
numbers, patterns, counting money, telling time, and mental math. From a broader
perspective, number sense can be thought of as a flexible understanding of numbers