Prime Tree Steps

Enter a positive integer and explore it's decomposition into prime factors.[br]If the factoring doesn't fit in the screen height - a scroll bar appears on the left.

Types of Triangles

Drag point C. [br][br]Create the different types of triangles: scalene, acute, isosceles, obtuse, equilateral, right.
This application shows approximations of ideal types.

Tree Diagrams

A worksheet to see how tree diagrams work.

Past Years' Examination O Level Math and Additional Math Compilations

Sec 4 Express E Math by Abdul Latiff
[size=150]6[url=][/url] by [url=]Abdul Latiff[/url][/size]
Sec 5 Normal E Math by Abdul Latiff
[size=150][url=][/url] by [url=]Abdul Latiff[/url][/size]
E Math O Level Topical by Abdul Latiff
[size=150][url=][/url] by [url=]Abdul Latiff[/url][/size]
E Math O Level Yearly by Abdul Latiff
[size=150][url=][/url] by [url=]Abdul Latiff[/url][/size]
A Math O Level Yearly by Abdul Latiff
[size=150][url=][/url] by [url=]Abdul Latiff[/url][/size]
A Math O Level Topical by Abdul Latiff
[size=150][url=][/url] by [url=]Abdul Latiff[/url][/size]
A and O Level Mathematics by Abdul Latiff
[size=150][url=][/url] by [url=]Abdul Latiff[/url][/size]
Mathematics by Abdul Latiff
[size=150][url=][/url] by [url=]Abdul Latiff[/url][/size]
